Clarity Health offers ADHD evaluations, of which the results are provided to the patient's primary care physician. The evaluation consists of a computerized assessment and clinical interview.
We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama or cash payments of $800.
Impulsive children seem unable to curb their immediate reactions or think before they act. They will often blurt out inappropriate comments, display their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for the later consequences of their conduct. Their impulsivity may make it hard for them to wait for things they want or to take their turn in games.
They may grab a toy from another child or hit when they’re upset. Even as teenagers or adults, they may impulsively choose to do things that have an immediate but small payoff rather than engage in activities that may take more effort yet provide much greater but delayed rewards. Some signs of hyperactivity-impulsivity are: 1. Feeling restless, often fidgeting with hands or feet, or squirming while seated; 2. Running, climbing, or leaving a seat in situations where sitting or quiet behavior is expected; 3. Blurting out answers before hearing the whole question; 4. Having difficulty waiting in line or taking turns.
Homework is particularly hard for these children. They will forget to write down an assignment, or leave it at school. They will forget to bring a book home, or bring the wrong one. The homework, if finally finished, is full of errors and erasures. Homework is often accompanied by frustration for both parent and child.
2. Often failing to pay attention to details and making careless mistakes
3. Rarely following instructions carefully and completely
4. Losing or forgetting things like toys, or pencils, books, and tools needed for a task
5. Often skipping from one uncompleted activity to another.
The principle characteristics of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. These symptoms appear early in a child’s life. Because many normal children may have these symptoms, but at a low level, or the symptoms may be caused by another disorder, it is important that the child receive a thorough examination and appropriate diagnosis by a well qualified professional.Hyperactivity-impulsivity
Hyperactive children always seem to be “on the go” or constantly in motion. They dash around touching or playing with whatever is in sight, or talk incessantly. Sitting still at dinner or during a school lesson or story can be a difficult task. They squirm and fidget in their seats or roam around the room. Or they may wiggle their feet, touch everything, or noisily tap their pencil. Hyperactive teenagers or adults may feel internally restless. They often report needing to stay busy and may try to do several things at once.Impulsive children seem unable to curb their immediate reactions or think before they act. They will often blurt out inappropriate comments, display their emotions without restraint, and act without regard for the later consequences of their conduct. Their impulsivity may make it hard for them to wait for things they want or to take their turn in games.
They may grab a toy from another child or hit when they’re upset. Even as teenagers or adults, they may impulsively choose to do things that have an immediate but small payoff rather than engage in activities that may take more effort yet provide much greater but delayed rewards. Some signs of hyperactivity-impulsivity are: 1. Feeling restless, often fidgeting with hands or feet, or squirming while seated; 2. Running, climbing, or leaving a seat in situations where sitting or quiet behavior is expected; 3. Blurting out answers before hearing the whole question; 4. Having difficulty waiting in line or taking turns.
Children who are inattentive have a hard time keeping their minds on any one thing and may get bored with a task after only a few minutes. If they are doing something they really enjoy, they have no trouble paying attention. But focusing deliberate, conscious attention to organizing and completing a task or learning something new is difficult.Homework is particularly hard for these children. They will forget to write down an assignment, or leave it at school. They will forget to bring a book home, or bring the wrong one. The homework, if finally finished, is full of errors and erasures. Homework is often accompanied by frustration for both parent and child.
The DSM-V lists the following symptoms:
1. Often becoming easily distracted by irrelevant sights and sounds2. Often failing to pay attention to details and making careless mistakes
3. Rarely following instructions carefully and completely
4. Losing or forgetting things like toys, or pencils, books, and tools needed for a task
5. Often skipping from one uncompleted activity to another.